Saturday, April 21, 2007

afifi is a gh3y D:

He admitted it XD


P/S: just pulling your leg Afifi. You seems stress :/



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Words that makes me go "Awww.."

matthew: ure my wife, best friend, my baby :)

I'm so happy *-*



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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

photo blog

I have a new photo blog at Wordpress. Don't worry as I will still posting photos in Fleinair Log. Feel free to visit both Fleinair Log & my new photo blog which is currently named as "Photo Addict" ^-^
In "Photo Addict", I will all sort of photo (except nude/porn) including the photoshopped one (MAJOR photoshop :P) Devianart is kindda messy for me :P

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Example of my pic in "Photo Addict"

P/S: GACC & Mumbo Jambo Nite post coming soon...



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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I won a lottery~~ NOT!!

I got this just now in my mail box

BATCH Nº:APD/608/604/015.
4TH APRIL 2007 .

Dear Winner,
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Euro millions Spanish
Lottery Winners International E-mail programs held on the20 MARCH
2007, and the result where released on the 4TH APRIL 2007 . Your E-mail
address attached to ticket numbers:229-188-611-401, with serial main
numbers:112-522-337-7575 drew lucky star numbers:52-35-40-61-92 which
consequently won in the 2ND category.You have therefore been approved for a
lump sum pay out of 615,810.00(SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND,EIGHT

Due to mix up of some numbers and email addresses,we ask that you keep
your winning informations confidential until your claims has been
processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security
protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by
non- participants. All participants were selected through a computer
ballot system drawn from over 100,000 company's and 50,000,individual
email addresses and names from all over the world.

This lottery was promoted and sponsored by Spanish European Lottery
Board in order to enhance and promote the use of Internet Explorer Users
and Microsoft-wares around the globe,therefore you do not need to buy
ticket to enter for it.This promotional program takes place every year.
We hope with part of your winning you will take part in our end of year
50 million Euros International lottery.

To file for your claims, please contact our fiducial agent:
TEL: 0034-692-484-426.

Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than
3weeks(21days).After this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake.
And also be informed that 5% of your Lottery Winning will be paid to
VITEN SEGUROS COMPANY .S.A, ,because they entered your email address for
the draw and they are your claims agent. This (5%) will be remitted
after you have received your money because this money is already insured
with your email address.

Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications,please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all
correspondence. Furthermore,should there be any change of address do
inform our agent as soon as possible.
Congratulations once more from our members of staffs and thank you for
being part of our promotional program.
Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically dis-qualified.


Sigh... I was not that stupid to actually believe I won a lottery coz I never play one before. So I simply check out this Viten Seguros Company S.A. & found this!!


I somehow wished it was for real so that I can pay up for my mum's apartment in Penang, build new house at my mum's hometown & perhaps get myself a new car & a PS3. And guys.. never ever send any personal information like your bank account information if you happened to get this as well.



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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nvidia 8800 GTX

I might get a Nvidia 8800 GTX from someone~



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Friday, April 06, 2007

tarot card

You are the World

Completion, Good Reward.

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.

The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.



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new skin

Yup!! I've changed my blog skin. No more greenish window LOLZ.
I designed this one myself except for Hitsugaya & Hinamori's CG of course. I know nuts about CG. (Kudos to the CG artist. It's a great work & cute too :D) Took me one whole night to get the HTML code right (change the color here & there too :/) The navigation on the right side is exactly the same with the previous blog skin.

More blog skin coming soon lolz (Only when I'm free...)



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Thursday, April 05, 2007

friend stuff

I don't think I've told this to anyone before. I tend to stay away from my guy friends when they have/found new girlfriend. I have this weird feeling talking to them while their gf is next to them so I tend to stay FARRRRRR away from them. More like don't talk much except when it's necessary

So two or three guy friends "kena" already. Gomenasai T-T



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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Jade Empire


Sorry for the low quality video. youtube make my video look fugly. Msg me for a better one.



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ZOMG i got tagged

I got tagged from Khurshid (-__-)"

5 reasons why I blog
  1. For fun (tralalala~~ games screenshots to make some ppl drool)
  2. Seeing that I don't have any tangible diary, this IS my "diary" (online one though :P)
  3. Need a place for me to whine without anyone complaining (stares at someone)
  4. Hope that my friends will stay in touch with me when I'm apart from them
  5. Expressing things that I can hardly express by myself (face 2 face)

DONE!! Happy now kid? >:(



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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


For once...

Aku malas nak update blog. BZZZZZZZZZZZZ sgt2 dgn ASSignment yg berlonggok mcm Gunung Everest pastu dgn event prom nite lagi (kena jaga booth), talk by companies utk ITS (tinggal lagi satu..) pastu event EMiNA Cyber punye anime wayang pacak style (aku skip kerja hari Isnin sbb baru blk dari Taiping - gi Kedah sembahyang tok nenek kat kubur) Nak kena jumpa AA aku lagi. Mesti kena leter pas ni :P

Aku rasa mcm nak guling sana, guling sini mcm bola nak lepas tension. Syok giler bile aku gi GACC hari tu (sat gi aku blog ler pasal GACC.. ni gambar pun x resize lagi. 1.47GB tu..) Lagi syok time aku balik Sabtu lepas. Blk rumah trus hentam PS2 abg aku. Wakakaka main FF12, pastu Soul Calibur 3, Tekken 5, Valkyrie Profile 2 (main kejap aje. x tau nak tekan butang mana bile ade tutorial game utk first attack encounter *kantoi*), Xenosaga (x reti nak bom benda bulat utk security masa 1st mission *kantoi*), Genji (stop main jap tang masa dia kena train lawan reflection dia sendiri *susah siot*)

Bapa tiri aku pun join sekaki main Tekken 5. Wakakaka org tua tu nak lepas tension kerja dia. Kecian gak tgk dia. Mak aku pulak x naik main sbb takut kalah. Aku set easy mode pun x nak main lagi :/

Time gi kedah utk sembahyang kubur lak pagi Isnin tadi lak, pipi aku kena cubit byk kali dgn mak cik2, saudara2 aku (-__-)" merah siot.. mata aku pedih sepanjang hari sbb asap colok kat tmpt tu masuk mata


Lupa nak habaq. Aku jumpa minah yg aku plg x suka kat dunia ni hari Sabtu lepas kat stesen bas. Minah ni pernah buat hal masa kat sekolah dulu. Mcm2 dia buat. Dia back-stabbed kawan baik dia sendiri, curi duit kelab, duit org. Mak dia caci kawan baik dia sendiri (A) depan bapa (A) kat sekolah. Dia kata si a ni pelacur. Haram jadah. Dia sendiri x sedar yg anak dia tu yg jadi pelacur. Aku mmg marah sgt dgn apa dia buat. Ada skali tu kita org plan nak buat video utk Hari Guru. Jadi, kita org ambik video masa cikgu mengajar kat skolah, jln2 kat compund skolah. Pastu kita org edit lar bilik komputer (Mac PC siot :D ) Si minah ni otak pandai. Dia curi video cam tu pada Hari Guru lepas kita org tayang kat cikgu2 & student. Kita org masa tu x reti burn CD, jadi terpaksalah pasang cam to direct to projector. Minah tu ambik kesempatan letak vid cam tu dlm bag pastu tu letak kotak dia blk dlm pejabat skolah. X ade org suspect yg vid cam tu x ade dlm kotak tu sehinggalah ade cikgu ni nak pinjam vid cam skolah. Cikgu ni jugalah yg jadi penasihat kita org dlm project hari guru tu. Dia bagitau ketua pengawas (KP). KP cemas gile masa tu. So kita org yg terlibat dlm project tu kena panggil ke meeting. Kebanyakannya pengawas sekolah. Aku pun pengawas skolah gak masa tu. Minah tu pun kena panggil gak sbb dia terlibat dlm project tu. Kawan baik dia pun ade gak. Masa tu lah dia start plan dia. Dia kata dia bleh dpt 2nd hand vid cam sama brand dgn yg hilang tu. Dia suruh kita org kongsi duit bayar kat dia. Aku x bagitau mak aku masa tu sbb takut dia marah. Sebabnya aku mudah percayakan org lain. Aku berhenti tuition pastu guna duit yg mak aku bagi utk fees tuition utk kasi kat minah tu. Tapi aku x bagi satu sen pun kat dia lagi. Ketua Pengawas dah bagi dah.. Seminggu kemudian, minah tu bawa vid cam yg kononnya yg dia dpt utk 2nd hand ke skolah.

Satu hari tu, pecah tembelang minah tu bila aku dgn kawan aku gi jumpa cikgu add maths sbb nak yg kita org x bleh pi kelas tambahan. Cikgu tanya kenapa. Aku bagitau dia yg aku tgh tension. Pasal kehilangan vid cam tu, i TERcakap kat cikgu add maths. Kebetulan ade sorang cikgu (P) ni incharge utk buku tahunan skolah lalu. Dia terdengar perbualan kita org. Ade cikgu (S) sorang lagi ni pun join. Cikgu P bagitau aku dgn kwn aku yg dia syak si minah ni curi duit yg dia kutip utk duit photo yg student bagi. Punya kerkejut aku dgn kawan aku. Cikgu S pula bagitau yg printer & scanner kat bilik buku tahunan skolah hilang. Pastu tu, semua diam. Aku rasa menyesal sbb percaya sgt kat minah tu. Tapi aku lagi kesiankan kwn baik minah tu, si A. Alang2 esok harinya, si minah tu kena panggil oleh guru disiplin. Pastu semua yg terlibat dgn project hari guru tu kena panggil jumpa guru disiplin. Aku nampak cikgu disiplin dgn cikgu S tgh mengalirkan air mata. Aku yg masa tu x tau lagi perangai sebenar minah ni tertanya2.

Cikgu disiplin suruh minah ni mengaku perbuatan dia kat depan kita org. Punya terkejut beruk bila dia cakap yg dia yg ambik vid cam tu. Kawan baik dia, si A hampir nak bagi pelempang kat dia tapi aku sempat tarik tangan dia. Aku marah gak masa tu tapi aku diam aje.. Cikgu disiplin bagitau kita org yg vid cam yg minah tu cakap 2nd hand tu rupanya vid cam yg hilang. Dia tunjuk nombor siri kat kita org. Raut muka kawan aku bertukar dlm sekelip mata.

Sejak tu kita org x layan minah tu. Si A kawan lagi dgn minah tu, tapi utk balas dendam. Aku x tau sampai sekarang dia dah dpt ke blum dendam dia tu. Yg aku tau, si minah ni dpt masuk kolej matriks. Haram jadah betoi. 2A pun bleh masuk?! Masa tu aku ingat hidup ni mmg x adil. Mana tau, beberapa bulan kemudian, aku dpt tau yg si minah ni kena tendang kluar dr matriks sbb curi duit kelab. Rasanya tabiat lama sukar dihapuskan.

Masa aku nmpk dia hari tu, aku rasa mcm nak baling aje tong sampah tepi aku kat sini tapi aku cuba bersabar. Aku sms kawan lama aku kat skolah. Depa suruh aku cool down & & kata x ade guna aku bazir tenaga aku utk org mcm dia. Dgr kata dia x berani tegur semo budak yg pernah blajar kat skolah aku dulu. Malu kut. Agaknya dia dah dpt balasan dia. Kalo korang nak tau, muka minah ni nmpk aje baik, tapi hati dia busuk mcm mayat

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